India’s rich heritage is its pride. To protect and to promote the heritage and culture, the Heritage Society (HS) was set up in 2016 under the Society Registration Act, 21, 1860. The objective of the HS is to document, conserve, and promote tangible and intangible heritage through regular explorations, excavations, publications, and by undertaking several innovative heritage awareness programs. The society is working relentlessly towards protecting the cultural and natural heritage by increasing awareness among the local people. Active engagement of local people with us for which we are working to help them to get employment, it is empowering the women and small remote villages too as it is emerging as a favorite tourist destinations. Today, the people understood the need of hour to save our rich heritage. The Society is run by a secretariat consists of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Director General, Director and other staffs.
HS has pioneered the promotions of not just our natural and built heritage but intangible heritage as well.Today HS is recognized as one of the leading heritage organizations of the country having headquarters at ancient Pataliputra (present Patna). It operates through various sections such as Archaeological Exploration & Excavation Department (AEED), Heritage Conservation Department (HCD), Intangible Cultural HeritageDepartment (ICHD), Natural Heritage Department (NHD), Buddhist Heritage Research Institute (BHRI), Jain Heritage Research Academy (JHRA) and Magadh Heritage Museum (MHM).