Jammu Kashmir, since antiquity, has been a land of sages, seers, saints, scholars, mystics, laureates, artists and warriors. The geo-political location of Jammu Kashmir brings to fore its strategic importance and as a gateway of Indian Culture for Central Asia besides, being an epicentre of international politics. The salient feature of its historicity reveals that it has always rested on its uninterrupted strings of continuity of cultural ethos and beliefs. The land endowed with abundant heritage, has the distinction of its existence since pre-historic times. It has been witness to the pinnacle of human civilization, customs, traditions, arts, crafts and trade being its major manifestations. The present Peer Reviewed edited volume has attempted to explore the unexplored cultural and historical antiquity covering the ancient religion, arts, women mysticism, food heritage, temple and monuments, beliefs and practices etc. in the accurate perspective.